Not feeling anything while using a VeRelief device, what am I doing wrong?

To help you get the most out of your device, here are some tips:

  1. Turn up the intensity to 75-100% of full power and place the gel tips vertically against the soft spot below the ear lobe and up against the jawbone. Move the device subtly for a minute until you feel a buzzing in your ear, and then adjust the intensity to a more comfortable setting.

  2. If you don't feel anything when the device is turned up to 100%, try pressing the gel tips further into the device to ensure they make contact with the metal piece in the slots. Turn the device back down to 50% and try using again, turning it up gradually until you feel the stimulation. 
  3. If you still don't feel anything, try adding a small amount of skin hydration gel to your skin on the neck to moisturize the skin. Sometimes dry skin can eliminate your ability to feel the stimulation. 
  4. If you don't feel anything when the device is turned up to 100% power, try replacing the gel tips with a fresh pair and doing this again. 
  5. Ensure that you have inserted the gel tips into the device and that the blue LED lights come on when you remove the cap.

  6. If this doesn't work, try pressing the device into your forehead at full power. If it gives you a jolt, then it is working. If you don't feel anything at all, then there may be something wrong with the device and it may need warranty service. 

If you need warranty service, please review our warranty policy and reach out to our support team at Please include a description of the issue and any photo/video evidence to support your claim.