How do I use my VeRelief device with the breathing?

To use VeRelief Prime with the breathing features, you'll need to use Mode 4 or Mode 5. 


Mode 4

In Mode 4, the stimulation ramps on and off in 5 second cycles. It will be in the "on" phase for 5 seconds and then in the "off" phase for 5 seconds. It will do this continuously. You can continue to increase or decrease the intensity as usual in this mode. 

To synchronize your breathing with the stimulation, simply take a deep breath when the stimulation is in the "off" phase, and exhale slowly for 5 seconds when the stimulation is in the "on" phase. 

This synchronizes your inhales and exhales with the vagus nerve stimulation and enhances the calming effects. 

You can do this breathing pattern for 2-5 minutes on each side of the neck, or for as long as you feel comfortable. This is an excellent way to practice slowing down your breathing and boosting how you feel in any situation. 


Mode 5

This stimulation mode turns on and off in 20 second cycles. It is "on" for 15 seconds, and then "off" for 5s. It repeats this cycle continuously.

You will want to take a deep breath when the stimulation is off, and then exhale slowly when the stimulation is on. This is a form of slow exhaled breathing and brings your breath down to 3 breaths/minute, an extremely effective way to calm down and enhance the relaxing effects of the VeRelief. 

However, this breathing pace is very challenging, so don't be frustrated if you can't get it right the first time. 

This particular breathing pattern is excellent for stopping a panic attack or simply experiencing the deepest sense of calm you can feel with VeRelief. Try it out and let us know how it goes! Email us at if you have any challenges.